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GCSE French

Why study a GCSE Modern Foreign Language?

Studying a GCSE Languages at SVC offers students the chance to excel – no matter what their starting point is, whether set 1 or set 4. 

Students regularly outperform challenging GCSE targets, with students achieving on average up to 1 grade above their targets. 

  • 52.4% of GCSE French students achieved at least grade 7 in 2023 (double national average)
  • Current FFT inspire data puts GCSE French at SVC in the top 2% of schools nationally 

Studying a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) allows students to experience the language and culture of another country whilst developing key skills (listening, analytical & problem solving skills, communication skills) which can be applied across a range of subjects in school and in the future.  Neuroscientists have also proven that anyone able to speak a MFL uses more areas of their brain.

Where can a GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language take you?

Learning a language gives students the ability to live and work in an increasingly global society.  This is even more important post Brexit, as both the economy and businesses rely on forging new links with other countries. 

It keeps doors open for college and university places, and adds an additional skill in an increasingly competitive jobs market.  In addition to jobs and careers which may require a language (translation & interpreting, teaching, sectors of the Armed Forces and Civil Service, sectors of Engineering & Science etc.), language learners are better problem solvers, creative thinkers and communicators – all skills highly valued by all employers. 

Click the logo or link below if you would like to view the full course specification from the Exam Board website.

Exam Board Qualification Specification
AQA Exam Board - GCSE French (4655) GCSE French 8658

 The table below is a breakdown of the units studied at GCSE and the format of the assessments