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LGBT+ inclusion at SVC

As part of our commitment to inclusion for all, Soham Village College was re-awarded the Rainbow Flag Award in May 2024.  This is a national award focusing on LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities) inclusion and visibility.  The award encourages a whole school approach to ending LGBT+phobic bullying and language.

  • Our teaching and non-teaching staff have received training on how to identify LGBT+ phobic behaviour and appropriate interventions;
  • Gender and sexuality is covered as part of the core KS3 PSHE curriculum
  • There is a vibrant SVC Pride group for LGBT+ students and their allies (Thursdays B, L13)

The Rainbow Flag award consists of 6 individual aspects:” and then continue with the individual awards and when they were achieved.

Rainbow Flag Skilled Teacher   Rainbow Flag Inclusive Curriculum   Rainbow flag Pastoral Support      Rainbow Flag - supportive parents and governors

If you are a student looking for support with gender identity or sexuality, please see the student wellbeing page for links to support organisations or speak to any adult in school. We will listen and support you. During term time, all students are welcome to join SVC Pride which meets throughout the academic year.

Contact Mr Heaney for more details: