Contact the SVC Wellbeing Group
If you have a concern about the wellbeing of a student at the school please contact us by email by clicking this button.
Recommended Mental Health Support Websites
Welcome to the SVC Wellbeing site. It has been split the into two areas, one for parents and one for students. We would always recommend that anyone struggling with their mental health should look at the support offered on the recommended websites that are listed below. They offer a range of information, advice, support strategies and links to websites specific to a need.
If anyone has a serious mental health concern, we would always suggest you seek medical advice from your doctor/ GP or by calling NHS direct (111).
At SVC we would always like to know about the wellbeing of our students and would encourage you to speak to someone in school so we can support you/ your child in the best way possible.
Firstly, well done for getting this far. It’s great that you have found your way to the website and hopefully you will find some of the links below helpful.
We all go through some struggles during our lives and these are perfectly normal. We need to be a little worried about an exam or a big sports match because it makes us focus and perform to our best. Often the best way of managing tough things is to talk about it. We would always say that talking to your friends, someone in your family, your doctor or even a teacher is the first step to feeling better. It might feel scary but without talking to someone no one will know that you need help. The websites below are a great way to help you to understand what you’re going through and how you can access extra support.
Please click on the organisation logo for the website link where it's available.
What can I do if my child is refusing to go to school?
This website includes a guide where you will find information on possible reasons for school refusal and anxiety and how you can get your child the support they need.
Other useful sites
- Selfharm UK is the lead UK charity dedicated to supporting young people impacted by self-harm. http://www.selfharm.co.uk
- Beat has helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help beat eating disorders. http://www.b-eat.co.uk
- Students Against Depression offers information and resources validated by health professionals alongside tips and advice from students who have experienced it all themselves. http://www.studentsagainstdepression.org
- YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. http://www.youngminds.org.uk
- Get Connected is a free confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don't know where to turn. Support is given by the telephone helpline, email or webchat. There is also a free telephone counselling service. http://www.getconnected.org.uk
- Show Racism the Red Card is the UK’s anti-racism educational charity to help tackle racism. http://www.theredcard.org
- Ditch the Label is one of the UK’s largest anti-bullying charities providing digital advice, support and training for young people. Their goal is to end bullying and to resolve the harmful impacts once and for all. http://www.ditchthelabel.org
- Caring Together supports young carers age 8-19 in Cambridgeshire.https://www.caringtogether.org
- Caram Voice offers help (called advocacy) to young people who are living in care or have recently left care. They can also help you if you cannot live at home anymore and feel you need extra support and services http://www.coramvoice.org.uk
- STARS offers support to children and young people in Cambridgeshire who have experienced the death of an important person in their lives and those who know that someone important to them is going to die. Ormiston Families Stars - Ormiston Families
- The Hideout is a national website that gives support to children and young people living with domestic violence, or to those who may want to help a friend.http://www.thehideout.org.uk
- FRANK is a national drug education service, providing targeted and accurate information on drugs and alcohol. http://www.talktofrank.com
- Alateen is for teenage relatives and friends of alcoholics. Alateen is part of Al-Anon. http://www.al-anonuk.org.uk/alateen/
- Nacoa provides information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent's drinking. http://www.nacoa.org.uk
- QUIT is the UK charity that helps smokers to stop and young people to never start. http://www.quit.org.uk
- Gamcare offers a telephone help line for people with gambling problems in the United Kingdom. Also offers an Internet chat help line.http://www.gamcare.org.uk
- Brook is the UK's largest young people's sexual health charity providing sexual health services, support and advice to young people.http://www.brook.org.uk
- Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people across Britain. http://www.stonewall.org.uk
- Study in UK offers advice for young people who are experiencing homophobic or transphobic bullying anywhere in England.http://www.studying-in-uk.org/the-complete-guide-to-studying-and-living-in-uk-as-an-lgbt-student/
- Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service (CASUS) provides information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire around drug and alcohol use to young people and their families. Service detail | CPFT NHS Trust
- LawStuff gives free legal information to young people. It is run by Coram Children’s Legal Centre, which provides more detailed information both over the phone and online.http://lawstuff.org.uk
- Pinpoint is an independent information, support and involvement network for parents in Cambridgeshire. Their website is a ‘one-stop shop’ for parents telling them what services are available, how to get support, who they can speak to and issues that may interest them.http://www.pinpoint-cambs.org.uk
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They help young people take on any challenge that they’re facing—from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job from break-ups to drugs. You can talk to them via online, social or their free, confidential helpline. www.themix.org.uk