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Post 16 Careers

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) forms an integral part of student life at Soham Village College.  We encourage all students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. We use contacts from our Alumni, local employers, parents and further and higher education to help them understand where different choices can take them in the future.

Our careers programme is delivered through a combination of PSHE days, careers assemblies and presentations, tutor time sessions, curriculum-based learning, workplace visits, and evening events.

Our CEIAG Policy is available to read in our policies section on the Trust website. 




In April 2022, the school gained the Quality in Careers Standard, a national award that recognises that the quality of the school’s careers programme, and the information, advice and guidance provided, is of a high standard and is embedded as part of the ethos of the school. We are delighted to be awarded this standard, and pleased that the awarding body recognised the huge amount of work that takes place throughout the school to help support students.

The assessor noted……’overall, the careers provision is good at Soham Village College. The staff at the school are informed and ‘buy in’ to what the careers programme is there to achieve. It was clear that the careers work isn’t just seen as the preserve of the Careers team but that it’s a whole school issue, and well supported by the Head Teacher and Governors’.

The school will be re-assessed every 3 years.